Sigmund Freud Book Giveaway
PRIZE 1: The Sigmund Freud Scholar Pack includes two collections of Freud's original works and a third edited volume of Freud critiques (some withering). With the information in these books you should feel comfortable debating either side of Freud at a cocktail party.
PRIZE 2: The Sigmund Freud Teaser Pack includes one small, but important Freud treatise about psychoanalysis. This should give you enough to decided if you want to learn more.
Most of the people I know in the psychology business have strong feelings about Sigmund Freud. Some view his ideas and writings as the cornerstone of their clinical practice of psychotherapy. Other's find his theories to be offensive, dead wrong, and a product of an "ancient" time that has no relevance to the study of human behavior today. The fact remains that Sigmund Freud permeates many areas of academic inquiry, art, and popular culture. So, why not get to know a little bit more about what he had to say and decide for yourself where (or if) Freud fits in.
There are two book giveaways being offered here. From my personal collection, these books are gently used and lovingly annotated. Descriptions of each Prize Pack are listed below the rafflecopter entry box. There are several ways to enter to increase your chances of winning. As always, free means free. I will cover shipping costs (US and Canada only). Good Luck!
PRIZE 1: The Sigmund Freud Scholar Pack includes two collections of Freud's original works and a third edited volume of Freud critiques (some withering). With the information in these books you should feel comfortable debating either side of Freud at a cocktail party.
Book 1: "New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis" - This is a great introduction to many of Freud's main contributions including: psychoanalytic theory, anxiety, the drives, dreams and more.
Book 2: "Dora: An Analysis of a Case of Hysteria" - This was Freud's first and probably most controversial published "Case History" about and 18 year old woman. Described as a "first rate detective novel," Freud, "pursues the secrets of Dora's psyche by using as clues her nervous mannerisms ... and the content of her dreams." (back cover)
Book 3: "Unauthorized Freud: Doubters Confront a Legend" - Edited by Frederick C. Crews. Of this collection, Bernard Rimland, Ph.D. states, "Psychoanalysis was mythology masquerading as science. Frederick Crews's superb new book unravels the many layers of pontification and surmise to convince even the most ardent followers of Freud that they have been - to put it bluntly - duped." (back cover)
PRIZE 2: The Sigmund Freud Teaser Pack includes one small, but important Freud treatise about psychoanalysis. This should give you enough to decided if you want to learn more.
Book 1: "An Outline of Psycho-Analysis" This was the last book that Freud wrote (1938). Though short, it is, "A Masterpiece of clarity and conciseness ... both a manual for the layman on the fundamental tenets of psycho-analysis, and a summary of the principles arrived at after a lifetime of research and experiment in the science of psychology." (back cover)